Here are my wedding programs. They were easy to make , but I will admit that they were a little time consuming. Thank goodness my matron of honor came over the Thursday before my wedding to assist me in putting them together.I think all the time and care that went into them made them totally perfect. I have had several people tell me that they were beautiful and different.
The program consisted of 6 pages. The pages were as follows:
- cover
- order of service
- pages 3-4 had a listing of persons participating in the wedding
- menu for the evening
- our thank you's

I used english and copperlight gothic fonts for the program. I printed them off on my printer and then took them to Staples to have them cut. I tried to do it myself, but I though that there were to many pages and that would add more time to the assembly process. The template that I used I was able to print two of the programs on the same page.
The back cover of the program, I used an aqua colored hard stock. the back cover was cut longer than the other pages so that it could be folded over on the front at the top. Once the back cover was folded, we used a two hole punch and punched holes through all of the pages. I then took the ribbon that I used for the coloring books, since I had so much of it, and thread a piece through and tied it in a double knot. I think that they turn out so beautiful. I am really proud of them.
here to get the template.