5. Getting stuck on the "shoulds"
- The "shoulds" are all of the extras that so many people think that they need at wedding, such as favors and fancy linens. What you need to look at is it something that you really care about or it will be something that you will be upset about.
4. Leap before looking
-Do not walk in to the first place reception place that you see and book immediately, (This did not really work for me since this what I did) and then find out a week later about a place that you like even more and is more budget friendly. Take some time and do research. Weigh your options and look at what is most important to you for your wedding.
3. Falling prey to peer pressure
-You went to a wedding where your friends had 6 champagne fountains and enough chocolate cover strawberries to last a lifetime. If all of that is not in your budget, do not do to keep up with the Jones. Make your day special, your way even if it does mean that you have a fountain filled with Kool-aid.
2. Not reading the fine print
-Do not skip the fine print. Read every contract and know exactly what you are getting into. You need to know when balances are due and what deposits are owed. Make sure that you know all of the unknowns. Make sure that you ask questions. If you do not ask questions, you might be paying for a $400.00 cake with a $500.00 cake cutting fee.
The number 1 wedding money mistake is.......(I feel like David Letterman)
1. Not setting budget priorities
-I know that you do not want to think about priorities when you are thinking about Cinderella dreams. Setting up a budget and setting what priorities that are important for your wedding will allow for you to have things that you want within a budget that you can live with.
Please be mindful when entering the contest that with the contest ending right before the holidays and it being a custom garter, delivery of the garter may not occur until the beginning of the year.
To see more of what Julianne had to offer please click here. Good luck ladies..I can not wait to see what you come up with.