More DIY. Here is another project for you to complete. I created these activity books for the kids and the kids at heart. I got this idea from the Bona Fide Preppy Bride. Here is how you can create your own:
- Template
- Ribbon
- Crayons
Plan ahead when doing this project when it comes to the purchasing of the crayons. I had crayons from a school box in my house that I have had for years. When purchasing crayons, they are cheap around school time. You can purchase lots of boxes for about $.10-.$25 a box. This can save you money. If you can not purchase them around the beginning of the school year, check out your local dollar store. To cut cost, put three crayons in each set and tied them with a ribbon.
Thanks to the bridesmaid that assisted me with this project. It was fun and I hope that the books are fun for all that use them.
Those turned out awesome! All of my little cousins and nephews are super excited about these!
radio interview
We have a radio roundtable Wednesday at noon, taking about DJ vs. Bands. I'm looking for a few recent brides that we can call out to. Has this come up for you yet? Contact me at
Steve Walsh
Host Producer WBEW 89.5 FM (312) 893-2977
“When you give up the need for power, reputation and money, you have the whole world open to you.” Walt Reiner
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