My broomjumpinggroom and I are both involved with our fraternity and sorority. There are several people in each of our graduate chapters that we wanted to invite to the wedding, but did not want to incur the additional expense of invitations and postage. Several of my other sorors, sorority sisters, have gotten married in the past and have sent an email tothe chapter asking for RSVP's. I have used Internet invitations in the past and thought why not use them this time. Evite is an Internet site that has several different of invitations, from bridal showers to weddings and everything in between. When you using this site you can customize your invitation, add all the information that you need your guest to know, see when your guest open the invitation and what their response is. I have gotten a good response out of this and I think that it a good way to cut cost, if your guest have Internet access.

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