Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Favorite Flowers Part II: Tuilps

My second favorite flower is the tulip. I think I like the simplicity of them. You definitely know that it is spring when the tulips start to come up and bloom. There are several different types of tulips, who knew.

Here a tulip glossary, from Martha Stewart Weddings:
1. A long-stemmed 'Triumph' tulip.
2. A gold-tinged orange 'Darwin' hybrid.
3. The peony-flowered type has abundant double petals.
4. The pointed petals of an orange lily-flowered tulip.
5. & 6. Dutch tulips, characterized by a simple cup form.
7. The showy parrot tulip.
8. Viridflora tulips have dramatic high-contrast streaks

If you are thinking of making your own bouquet here are some steps to making one.

Homemade Bouquets: Tulip Orb
WHAT YOU'LL NEED:Camellia foliage,Floral tape, Oasis waterproof tape, Peony tulips,

Ribbon, Thin-gauge wire

STEP 1: Stick to the leaves select your camellia foliage.With floral tape, secure thin-gauge wires to the stems of several camellia leaves.

STEP 2: Make the bouquet pick your peony tulips.In your hand, arrange the tulips into a
rounded, sphere-shaped formation.Use floral tape to bind them together.

STEP 3: Create a collar form a collar around the tulips with the wired camellia leaves.
Bind the grouping with waterproof tape. Clip the ends of the wires, and cover the tape with ribbon.

(courtesy of The Knot)

When thinking of flowers for your wedding, consider tulips. I will be.
(all photos from Martha Stewart, The Knot, Yahoo images)

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