Everyone loves a flower girl. She is pretty, cute and sometimes crying in the back of the church when she is suppose to be walking down the aisle. The flower girl is usually a young girl between the ages of 3-8 who scatters flower petals down the aisle prior to the bride coming down the aisle. Even though the flower girl traditionally throws flower petals, the more modern flower girl can blow bubbles, hold a single flower, carry a pomander or ring a bell. Here are a few more tips for your flower girl...
- Give your flower girl a buddy. Instead of having just one flower have two or three. Also instead of having more than one flower girl, have your flower girl be escorted down the aisle by your ring bearer. Either one will double your cuteness and also give the children confidence to walk down the aisle with all eyes on them.
- Make sure that you have your flower girl at your rehearsal dinner so that she can get comfortable with the space.
- Allow your flower girl's personality to shine through her clothing. Your flower girl does not have to be carbon copy of your bridesmaids. Allow her to pick her dress (with an adult of course) within your wedding color palette.
- Just like the ring bearer seat the flower girls parents near the front so that if she starts to have issues during the wedding they will be there to assist.
Most of all remember that if the flower girl, cries, resist going down the aisle or tries to steal the show, she will be the cutest young lady in the room and your guest will think that she is precious no matter what she does.

Sorry my 1st comment had an error. Great advice! Flower girls rock! My two adorable cousins were my FG's and they were so cute together, practing steps, preparing their baskets and I agree with you that they most likely had more confidence and were less scared walking together.
Yes, good advice. I will also have my flower girl when wedding.
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