When thinking of your bridal party you can not forget your MOB (mother of the bride) or future mother-in-law MOG (mother of the groom) and what they are going to wear. My mom picked out a dress that I really did not like. It was not blingy enough for me. I wanted her to be just as beautiful, if not more as me. My mom and I did find something that I really liked and was blingy enough as well, and that she felt pretty in and comfortable in. It is also something that she can wear again to church. When I went to Detroit this past summer, I found my mom some pretty silver shoes with rhinestones on them that match her suit for a whole $5.00. What a find. I have not found anything for broomjumpinggroom MOG. We will hopefully find something for her before the end of the year. When picking out the the gown for your MOB or MOG, here is a few things to remember....
- Communication is key-- Talk to your MOB or MOG and let her know your vision for the wedding. Get an understanding for what she likes and find away to make it work for both of you. Make sure that both ladies have a distinctive look of their own and not a carbon copy of the other.
- Get going-- Shop early to look at and try on different styles of dresses.
- Make a match--Look at the your bridal party and your dress to see what style your MOB or MOG needs get.
- Find a hue-- Make sure that you assist your MOB or MOG in picking the right color for the bridal party and for her skin tone.
Some of the gowns below are the some of the styles that I like for a MOB or MOG. Check out The Knot for some more.

y mamma just got hers this morning! It is anti-MOB in all ways! It is black, lacey, cocktail length...she's going to be hot! I agree with you, I want my mom to shine on this day too.
My mother got something super cheap at a major department store sale (as within it costs a whole $5 more than the flower girls dress).
I just bought my wedding dress. Now it's my mom's turn!! I'm looking forward to our quest to make her all things beautiful : )
Some of these would look great and work for the bride if they came in white or ecru. Suit brides are at a loss when it comes to finding their outfit.
As a recent MOG it took trying on 60 dresses over a 5 month period before I found one I liked and that didn't clash with the bridal party. Hopefully next time it won't feel like such a trial. I found a dress a month before the wedding and kept trying it on and being obsessive about it. Finally I realized that if I really felt comfortable in it I wouldn't be trying it on every day. So a week before the wedding I went looking for a different dress. Ironically I found one in the clothing store my son's fiancee worked at. She was working that day and we both agreed it was a better choice than the previous dress. I needed to get small alterations done to it but it is a dress I can wear for other occassions and the best part is that it was on a discount rack and instead of $180 it was only $60.
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