Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Guess Who is Coming to the Wedding?

At this point..I really do not not know. I have a preliminary guest list that I need to review. Since time seems to be speeding up towards my wedding day and so many other things need to be finalized, but they are all based off of one thing..the guest list. I know that I can not invite everyone that I know, but how do you determine who stays and who goes?My mom has broken down the list to church folks, friends and family. I know that everyone who is invited will not show up or I will have persons who RSVP and do not show up, but I have to be prepared if they do. Which means I need seating for guest, tables for reception, linens, favors, and on and on and on. Whatever I do I have to have it figured out before the end of the month so that other deposits and plans can be made. How are you going to finalize your guest list?


So There I Was: Lola Adams said...

I wish you the best of luck, finalizing a guest list can be stressful! I know mine was.

Patti said...

OMG I am totally there with you. I hate dealing with the guest list and although our venue can accommodate a lot of people, our budget can't. I know you'll figure something out...good luck :)

Anonymous said...
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sorry about the above i was testing cuz my anonymous function was not working...sorry to intrude upon ur blog. Good luck with your wedding.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your wedding it rained at mine.

Mrs. Mary Mack said...

LOL- you never know who's going to actually show up EVEN if you request an RSVP. Just keep extra linens on hand for the "just in case". We had people who bailed because of the heat (we're in Texas and the ceremony was outside), and we had lots of non- RSVPing randoms so it evened out.

Anonymous said...

Don't concentrate too much on the wedding day but concentrate more on the rest of your lives. There is so much that is said in the bible about man and wife, I did not see any quotes biblical on your blog. The only way for a marriage to survive is with Jesus at the head because it is very hard to try and love someone unconditionally when we as humans are so stuck on yourselves. I wish you Godspeed on your marital journey.

kelewele said...

We got married in Japan and people feel like they were cheated out of the ceremony. So we are having a reception here. I invited family and close friends but I also invited people who come to our shows. And I was expecting 200. I haven't sent out 200 invites. And I don't think that all my close people will be able to come. So I won't know how many until they show up. But the public knows...

If you can't invite everyone, just send wedding announcements to the people you cut from your list. That way they won't feel like you were keeping it a secret so they wouldn't come.

Michael Knight Rambo said...

Hey, I was just at a wedding about a year ago. It was an awesome time.
Hope yours is too.
I don't know what religion you are, and jesusisthetruth&life? might have good intentions, but your marriage is between you and your husband. Not some other person.
Best Wishes!
Hilarious! My message verification is jsysc!
I'll probably get struck by lightning.

Haji said...

I say have an outside wedding / reception and enough food to accomodate everyone. If you have left over food then take it home and eat it, freeze it, share it with your friends and family, or donate it.

You could always just go to Vegas. : D Good luck!

Anonymous said...

good luck!

Scooped! Spoof Newspapers said...

Nice blog, I need to find out how to become a blog of note:-)

Anonymous said...


Pearls Of Wisdom, LLC said...

You are so on top of it !!!
The Guestlist {ABSOLUTELY} drives everything {yes---Everything}about your Event.

Although,it's a challenging task determining who are your "A" list Guests, I've written a POST on how to handle inviting Co-workers to your Event...
Here's the blog address on that post::