Yesterday the Broomjumpinggroom and I went to purchase our wedding ring. I was so excited. I was like a kid in a candy store. All the glitter and gilts in the store. My eyes were all over the place and wanted to try on everything in the store. Due to the cut of my ring, which is what I wanted, and the setting, which my fiance chose, some of the bands did not look as good with my engagement ring. I also did not want an ordinary wedding band, but I did want something that was blingy and kinda of went around my engagement ring. I had my heart set on having a wedding band that had my birthstone, aquamarine, and diamonds in it. When I was looking, I did not see anything like that.When talking to the jeweler, he stated that anything in the store could be made to fit my specifications. That sounded great, but I was not sure of the cost. After sitting with him a little bit more, we can up with some that was within our budget and was uniquely all mine.

Just imagine a band with an arch that wraps around the top and the bottom of the ring.It is basically a ring wrap. It is going to have diamonds and aquamarine stones alternating in each arch. I do not think that I am explaining it right, but trust me it is pretty together. I will post pictures when I get it.
Above is a picture of the Broomjumpinggrooms ring. He wanted a titanium or tungsten metal. These metals are do not bend like other metals do. He wanted this since he likes to work on cars and does lots of handy work around the house and did not want to risk scratching his ring. He tried on several and I even saw some that I liked that had diamonds in them, but he decided on something a little more plainer. Actually when making these types of rings they cut the metal to the exact ring size. These rings can not the stretched or cut to be resized, so they have to get it right the first time.
I think that it was a productive trip, we even looked at what we both wanted as gifts from each other for the wedding. Both of our rings are being custom made and will not be in for several week. I can wait to see them. Even better, I can not wait to wear my ring. I was thinking about putting a saying inside of my fiance's ring, but I have to think about what I want in there. Are you engraving anything inside of your wedding rings?
I can't wait to see your ring! It sounds beautiful! Mine is a little "old school"! My friend even asked if it was a family heirloom because it looks like his great grandmother could have owned it but it's not! I wish I could show you a picture of it. Anyway, I'm so glad you posted a pic of the groom's ring b/c I was looking for something like this since my guy is in the car business as well! You are awesome!
wow, sounds like you had a great day! I can't wait to see a picture of your ring, it sounds beautiful! It's great to be able to have something designed just for you. Our wedding bands were created by a friend who is a jewelry designer. It was his wedding gift to us, and an extremely thoughful & generous gift!
My husband and I have a little saying, "I always love you more than yesterday, and I wake up knowing I'll love you more tomorrow." So, his ring says, "More than yesterday" and mine says, "More tomorrow..."
We also considered putting "Ruth 1:17" in our rings...we're not very religious, but we love what it says and the way it says it...we ended up using the verses as our wedding vows... just a thought:-)
I don't know how you will look on this but I came by your blog today for the very first time. I've never been able to understand the passion that some have for blogging but I love reading stuff that awakens the mind and inflames the imagination. I think yours is an admirable blog and reading through your archives was interesting. I couldn't resist the temptation to do just that. The more scope it gave to my mind although I was hoping to read and leave quietly without surprising you with any comment. Perhaps you will be inviting back sometime if you think a counter visit is worth one infringement of your normal routine. I'll look out for your arrival. Until then, take care.
btw: have you seen or read the master and margarita?
My folks never had anything engraved on theirs as far as I know ((of course I've never asked either)). But my dad works on cars and you can tell your Hubby to be that my dad has never had an issue with his wedding ring denting or bending. His is a sold gold band ((24K I think)) so if he goes with a harder metal he should be good as gold ((scuse the pun, lol))
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